Do you really know what you want in life? Who are you? What do you want? And, what should you now do with your life?
These questions really form the basis of your life's direction and experience. The quality of your answers to these will determine the quality of your life to a very large degree. Don't leave your answers unguided and up to your unconscious mechanisms to decide. Let this audiobook help you in thinking and realizing what's right for you. This audiobook provides you with a structure to make sense of yourself. Really understand what you are about and what might best fulfill you in life. In a concise way, this audiobook will guide you to discover what's most important to you and what your life's main purpose really is. With increased clarity like this, you can make great decisions confidently and with your hand on your heart, really knowing that you're living your life in a meaningful way.
While listening to this audiobook, you will discover your core values, your life's main purpose, and your personality traits, and you will gain a greater understanding of your needs, your feelings, and how to make good decisions for yourself. These are key things in helping you direct your life so that you feel happy and fulfilled. Once you've got clarity about yourself, drink deeply from the wisdom and inspiration of others. Let the messages in this audiobook support you in having the courage and conviction to live the life you want.