The funniest yo momma joke book in the world!
-151+ funny yo momma jokes
-Hilarious yo momma insults and humor
-Tons of funny jokes and entertainment
-Laugh until you cry at these funny yo momma jokes
From the best-selling joke book series of the LOL Funny Jokes Club
With this awesome collection of funny yo momma jokes you can make everyone laugh! This audiobook is slammed full of funny yo momma jokes and is perfect for any occasion. You and your friends will laugh for hours at this funny joke book.
Yo momma is so fat....
Yo momma is so skinny....
Yo momma is so old....
Yo momma is so short....
Yo Momma is so tall....
Yo momma is so poor....
Yo momma is so stupid....
Yo momma is so ugly....
Yo momma is so hairy....
Yo momma is so bald....
Yo momma is so lazy....
Other yo momma jokes....
Did you know that laughing can have positive physical and mental effects on the body?
Laughter can lower blood pressure, lighten tense situations, and help you bond with friends and family. Jokes, humor, and comedy come in many forms. Whether it is a few funny jokes, a silly joke book, or a funny movie, we can all benefit from the positive effects of comedy and humor! Share a funny joke with a friend today!