Modern medicine is a marvel, but the human brain, with all its capacity for thought and understanding, is beyond marvelous, and we would be doing ourselves a mighty disservice by not understanding how to use this tool to assist us in our own healing.
We need modern medicine to help us heal, but there is a point at which we can, and must, take control and responsibility for our own health. That is by controlling our mind, one of the most important missing parts of the puzzle of health. We need to learn how to heal the headache and not just conceal it for a while with paracetamol, but understand where it comes from and our stressors and only then can we cure it. Our aim is to heal the cause, not just the symptom.
This book is a guide to helping your body heal with only the power of your mind in seven days
Your mind is the most powerful tool you have and you need to understand how it works and what influences it, in order to live as healthy and happy as you were meant to.