In the town of Broad Run, West Virginia...
Vance Archer and Marybeth Wilkins, a pair of adventurous seventh-graders, have discovered an exciting activity called geocaching - a kind of scavenger hunt using GPS technology - that leads them after hidden treasures in the woods around their community. However, on one of their outings, they encounter a frightening, half-seen creature with glowing red eyes watching them from the shadows.
Soon, Vance begins to receive mysterious messages on his phone from a caller named Indrid Cold. He learns this name is associated with the legendary Mothman, a strange, unearthly being that is said to appear when some terrible event is about to occur.
Believing that they - as well as their friends and loved ones - may soon face mortal danger, Vance and Marybeth try to solve the increasingly strange clues before disaster strikes.
Each Ameri-Scares novel is based on or inspired by an historical event, folktale, legend, or myth unique to that particular state.