Procrastination? Difficulty focusing on important things? Distorted perception of time? High levels of activity or impulsivity? Difficulty in planning and organizing? These and others are among the most common symptoms of ADHD.
They may seem like common behaviors typical of some children and adults, but when part of an ADHD diagnosis they can lead to aggressive behavior towards parents and siblings, limited social relationships leading to isolation and frustration, and can have an impact on self-esteem and the normal process of developing relationships and self-esteem.
As a parent, how much advice have you received over the years from those who knew more than you? How many times have you tried to apply traditional techniques, only to discover that they do not work with your child? The truth is that ADHD is real, and if not handled properly, it can compromise the serenity of the family and the most natural social relationships.
Normal strategies that may work for some are not effective for every child with ADHD, and the truth is that parenting strategies should be tailored to each family and situation.
There is no absolute truth, there is what works. In this audiobook, we will try to gain a better understanding of ADHD in the various forms in which it manifests itself, understand the importance of proper diagnosis, and the right tools to support and assist us to live the most peaceful and fulfilling family, social, and personal life possible.