Loving Yourself Fit deals with fat-loss and fitness from the inside-out... and from a place of love. If you've tried to lose weight or maintain a fit body and lifestyle and have failed in the past, if you aren't friends with your mirror, if you feel unhappy with your body - this book is for you! Most weight loss books take a pretty superficial approach, not really dealing with the inside stuff that may be blocking you from reaching your goals. You need to first love yourself, and then learn ways to fall in love with eating right, working out, and the amazing lifelong journey of improving yourself both inside and out. Author, Meagan Mayada Hesham is a fitness expert, dancer, writer, and mother. Working closely with hundreds of women in the fitness and dance world for the past two decades gives Meagan an exceptional perspective on issues facing females. As a writer, she treats her readers to a distinctive mix of love and straight talk as she deals with self-esteem, body image, fitness, weight loss, relationships, and more!