While one group looks to escape, the other struggles to survive...
The end is here. A dark new beginning is upon them. In Chicago, our survivors are facing a horrifying new challenge. The exodus from the ruins of downtown are now upon them, led by a ruthless, determined man with a past as ugly as his future. In the fight to get out of town, there will be casualties. Not everyone will survive...
In Sacramento, Rock has returned home to an ex-girlfriend with a one-time fling at his side and the secret between them. Dropping roots and forming a homestead, however, will prove to be a bigger task that our California survivors imagined. There is a group of rogue soldiers rounding up people like Rock, Jill and Maisie - they’re putting people in cages with plans of locking down Sacramento, and forming their own future civilization.
The Age of Reprisal is filled with some lovable, badass, downright frightening characters you’ll love and want to know, tons of action, a bit of humor, and the kind of edge-of-your-seat suspense that refuses to let up.