The world-renowned forensic sleuth and serial killer hunter Dr. Elliott Sumner attends a Christmas Gala at the mansion of billionaire patriarch Albert Bell. Elliott watches the Bluff City Butcher die moments after learning they are connected. Elliott’s worst fears are confirmed, when attempts on his life reveal he too is part of an inconceivable genetic experiment and his termination has been ordered. From within the shadows, a constant battle for his survival, Elliott hunts a new kind of serial killer. He moves at a lightning pace to uncover clandestine powerbrokers behind everything. Will the blood trail from London to Barcelona, through Arequipa, Peru, and back to Memphis lead to a new reign of terror? Will the bold deceptions and chilling twists along the way be more than any man can handle? Can Elliott Sumner find a way to secure the greatest leap for mankind or will it be lost to all?