Kids are sure to love these hilarious holiday jokes from the world-renowned jokester and comedian, Johnny B. Laughing! This super silly and funny audiobook is great for children to listen aloud with friends and family. Makes a perfect travel companion and keeps children entertained!
Jokes from this funny book....
Q: Why is it so cold at Christmas? A: Because it's in Decembrrr!
Ha ha!
Q: Who delivers cat Christmas presents? A: Santa Paws!
Q: What does Santa say when he is sick? A: OH OH NO!
Ha ha!
Q: What does Santa call that reindeer with no eyes? A: No-eyed-deer!
Q: What nationality is Santa Claus? A: North Polish!
Ha ha!
Q: What do you get if you deep fry Santa Claus? A: Crisp Cringle!
Get these Christmas laughs now!