Four years ago, Nick held Emily hostage, but he escapes the law and pursues her again. In a desperate flight from Nick’s clutches, Emily crashes into Zach, an intriguing Scotsman. Identity Lost is a tale of survival, not only in Emily’s childhood home, but survival in nature’s harshest elements.
Interwoven in this story is her quest to uncloak the big family secret and discover her real father. But he’s not the man she imagined. Just the opposite, and the evidence is shocking.
An avalanche traps Zach and Emily, thrusting them into a fierce battle with a Pacific Northwest winter. One disaster after another threatens Emily, but unexpected new hope shines into her darkest days. Will Emily let Zach into the fortress of her heart? Will she be free from identifying with her corrupt past and find peace with who she is? Emily’s remarkable adventure—based on a true story—must be told.