Do you care about what's on your dinner table, or do you think about the welfare of animals when you're out buying that juicy burger, or chicken sandwich? If you don't, you really should! It's unfair to the billions of innocent animals that are slaughtered and live in the most horrendous and brutal of conditions to ever exist that humans use these animals' flesh and blood solely for food and that their lives are riddled with torture, pain, horror, and nothing else. These innocent beautiful animals have to endure a life and reality that no creature deserves and it's up to us as sentient, civilized people living in a so-called civil society to stop this madness and end this evil going on. For we are the only ones who can do it.You might not think about these things or care in the long run, but it's an extremely topic and issue plaguing our society with helpless voices innocent creatures being treated as if they are nothing while their lives and bodies are destroyed in the most brutal ways possible. If we don't care, then no one will.Next time you grab that chicken or turkey sandwich, or consume that so-called delicious 'steak', think about that innocent turkey whose body was riddled in wounds destroyed from the inside out writing in pain, crying out while no one cared.