The Birth of Malgyron is the sequel to The Quest of the Thirteen, and takes place more than a year after Mavinor's new king begins his reign. It details the struggles he faces in bringing his people closer to The Author and the lessons of The Scrolls, as well as the futility of his efforts to broker peace with his neighbors.
As the king's list of enemies continues to grow, an evil plot is hatched against him, a plot that will have enormous ramifications for the entire world if it is successful. For unbeknownst to those who unwittingly participate, Mavinor's king is no ordinary ruler. He is the chosen one, the fulfillment of a promise made by The Author generations ago to the people whom He loved.
As the plot escalates and begins to reveal itself, the king's supporters do everything in their power to thwart it and save the future of Mavinor and the entire world.