This book is called The White Spark as the white spark or vacuum cell in Nature IS THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD—it is a ubiquitous principle of the universe and is the cause and parent of electricity, combustion, radium, snowflakes, flowers, trees, leaves, crystallization, wireless telegraphy, animal forms and EVEN LIFE ITSELF.
This book is the key to every department of human endeavor, as it enunciates the basic principle and THE PRIME MOVER of the universe.
It tells the road to health, the cause and cure of disease, the truth about the germ humbug and drug treatments, serums and antitoxins.
It tells what a trance is and how the soul can leave the body temporarily.
How JESUS CHRIST is carrying out the biblical prophecy by TELEPATHY.
Gives the truths about the ideal society, alcohol, drunkenness, causes of crime, longevity and law.
Shows that all force even gravity is a radioactive emanation from the white sparks and that universal gravitation is a vagary, that the planets move on orbits which are RIBBONS OF FORCE like the gulf stream.
This book shows how all the conditions of crime react upon us, that physiology and rectitude are interdependent and although you do not go to hell, yet hell will come to you if you transgress the laws of God and Nature.